Specially formulated cementitious adhesive, non-sagging, for thick-bed installation in direct tiling on brick walls without the need for prior plastering and on floors with irregular substrates. Suitable for interior and exterior areas. Highly recommended for porcelain floors in new constructions. Suitable for all type of ceramic pieces, marble, and granite stone bonding.

12004 - C1 TE Casita_MuroInt_SueloIntExt

Download technical data sheet

Additional information


Product based on high-strength cement, selected aggregates and special additives, pigments, and synthetic resin.

Features and applications

  • Suitable for interior and exterior use.
  • Adhesion of all types of ceramic pieces, porcelain stoneware, marble, granite, and natural stone.
  • Reduced slip. Excellent initial adhesion.
  • Installation of the tile using the traditional method without wetting tiles or substrates, thanks to its water retention capability.
  • It reduces substrate’s flatness tolerance. It avoids plastering. Material and labour savings.


  • Conventional cement-base or brick fabric substrates.
  • Substrates must be resistant enough, stable, sound, and clean. Free of dust, release agents, organic products, etc.
  • In case of heavy heat, wind, or very absorbent substrates, it is advisable to moisten the substrate and wait until the water film is totally absorbed.
  • For a greater thickness apply:
    • On bonded screeds: Apply levelling paste NIVELAND 10R or PAVILAND RECRECIDO AUTONIVELANTE depending on the substrate and requirements.
    • On walls: Use regularization mortars with adequate tensile strength and with a curing shrinkage already completed.
  • Do not apply on top of paint.
  • In exterior floors, the substrate must have a slope equal or greater than 1%.
  • In case of making overlays with the same product, do not exceed 20 mm thickness and do not conduct the gluing before 48 hours.
  • Do not apply on top of gypsum, plaster, anhydrite, or any other substrates with high content of sulphates, or in contact with water or moisten with high content of sulphates.
  • All substrates must comply with the specifications outlined in section 6.4 of UNE 138002 standard.

Instructions for use

  • Add water and mix manually or mechanically until getting a homogeneous consistence, easy to work with. Let the paste rest around 5 min. then mix again.
  • The tiling process is done by the traditional method, filling the ceramic piece. Use the back buttering method to apply a thin, compacted layer on the brick beforehand.
  • Spread the product with a trowel when using it on floors. Big format tiles.
  • Use the back buttering method to apply, with the help of a trowel, a thin, compacted layer on each tile to place them.
  • Place the tiles on top of the fresh adhesive, pressing and moving them until getting a correct adhesion of the whole ceramic surface. Periodically check the stickiness of the adhesive by lifting a previously placed tile, if the appearance of a film without transfer on the adhesive surface or dehydration of the adhesive is observed, proceed to remove the material, and apply new product.
  • Respect the placement joints between tiles as indicated in section 7.7 of UNE 138002 standard. For interior areas, the joint width should be ≥ (1.5 - 3) mm, and for exterior areas, the joint width should be ≥ (3 - 5) mm, depending on the type of installation and the larger side of the tile being placed.
  • Filling of joints will be conducted after 24 - 48 hours. Depending on the thickness of the adhesive used.
  • Use a suitable mortar from the MORCEMCOLOR range, considering the type of joint.

NOTE: The shorter the time between spreading the adhesive and laying the tile, the better results will be obtained.

Cautions and recommendations

  • Do not apply below 5ºC or above 35ºC, and avoid application in conditions at risk of frost, rain, fierce winds, or direct sunlight. Under extreme weather conditions (high wind or elevated temperatures) drying occurs faster.
  • Temperatures, ventilation, absorption of the substrate and coating materials can vary the workability and setting times of the adhesive.
  • Maximum tiles weight on walls: 40 kg/m2 Do not apply in areas where there is a risk of stagnant water.
  • Respect the movement joints (structural, contraction, expansion, and perimeter joints) as indicated in section 7.8 of UNE 138002 standard. These joints can be addressed by using prefabricated joints or filling them with an elastic sealant from the PUMALASTIC range.

Dimensioning of expansion joints

Application scope Location and dimensions Width of the joint mm

Exterior walls


-    Under each slab
-    Separation length 3 m - 4 m linear
-    Maximum regular area. 16 m2
≥ 8 mm
Interior floors -    Under each slab
-    Separation length 3 m - 4 m linear
-    Maximum regular area. 16 m2
≥ 5 mm
Exterior floors -    Separation length 2.5 m - 5 m linear
-    Maximum regular area 16 m2
≥ 8 mm
Singular points -    Doorsteps
-    Changes of floors
≥ 8 mm

NOTE: When these joints affect every coat in the ceramic system, they must meet the conditions of shrinkage joints.







Sizing of perimeter joints

Application scope Location and dimensions Width of the joint mm
Interior walls -    Perimeter joints
-    Wall /ceiling intersection
≥ 8 mm
Interior walls -    Wall / wall intersection ≥ 5 mm

Exterior walls


-    Interior corners of the building
-    Exterior corners of the building
≥ 8 mm
Interior floors
-    Monolithic
-    Parquet
- Perimeter joints and intersections with other elements or devices ≥ 8 mm
Exterior floors - Perimeter joints and intersections with other elements or devices ≥ 8 mm
Singular points - Intersection joints with carpentry ≥ 5 mm
  • To obtain a perfect setting of the material, avoid stepping on the tiles for 3 to 4 days after application.
  • For pieces with fibreglass mesh reinforcement glued on the back, consult technical department. Never apply with the “by dots” technique.


25 Kg of laminated paper sacks.
Store up to 1 year in its original closed container, away from extreme weather conditions and humidity.

Technical data

 (Statistic results obtained under standard conditions)

Aspect WHITE / GREY powder
Adjusting time Approximately. 30 minutes (according to environmental conditions)
Lifetime of the paste Approximately. 2 hours (according to environmental conditions)
Initial adhesion ≥ 0.5 N/mm2
Adhesion after water immersion ≥ 0.5 N/mm2
Adhesion after ageing caused by heat ≥ 0.5 N/mm2
Adhesion after ice / thaw cycles ≥ 0.5 N/mm2
Classification according to EN 12004 C1 TE
Approximate performance 15 kg/m2 per 1 cm thickness
Application thickness Admits between 0.5 and 2 cm.


CE Mark

   0370, 1377


Av. Agrupación Córdoba, 17. 14014 Córdoba (Córdoba) 04


No.: 130024
Normal-setting cementitious adhesive, with reduced slip, for both floors and walls in interior and exterior areas.

Reaction to fire: Class E
- Initial adhesion to traction: ≥ 0.5 N/mm2
- Adhesion to traction after water immersion: ≥ 0.5 N/mm2
- Adhesion to traction after thermal ageing: ≥ 0.5 N/mm2
- Adhesion to traction after ice / thaw cycles: ≥ 0.5 N/mm2
Hazardous substances: Consult safety data sheet















Av. Agrupación Córdoba, 17. 14014 Córdoba (Córdoba) 04


No.: 130062
Normal-setting cementitious adhesive, with reduced slip, for both floors and walls in interior and exterior areas.

Reaction to fire: Class E
- Initial adhesion to traction: ≥ 0.5 N/mm2
- Adhesion to traction after water immersion: ≥ 0.5 N/mm2
- Adhesion to traction after thermal ageing: ≥ 0.5 N/mm2
- Adhesion to traction after ice / thaw cycles: ≥ 0.5 N/mm2
Hazardous substances: Consult safety data sheet