Paviland® Impreso

Powder product to be applied on fresh concrete, creating a monolithic surface layer with high abrasion resistance and a pleasant texture that can replace traditional pavements (paving stones, natural stone, slate, etc.). It can be used on streets, pavements, exterior areas, access to shopping centres, urban roads with pedestrian and vehicle traffic, accesses and surrounding areas of single-family homes, swimming pools, urbanizations, etc.

13813 - CT C20 F3 A9 DAP

Download technical data sheet

Additional information


Product based on high-resistance Portland cement, selected aggregates, pigments and high-purity additives.

Features and applications

  • Streets, pavements, outdoor areas, access to shopping centres, urban roads with pedestrian and vehicle traffic, accesses and surrounding areas of single-family homes, swimming pools, urbanizations, etc.
  • Car Park areas.
  • Walking areas in parks and gardens.
  • Public squares pavements. 
  • High mechanic resistance. 
  • High abrasion resistance.
  • Texture and colour diversity.
  • Possibility of combining different types of stampings.
  • Drawings and tone changes can be obtained simply by varying the colour chosen and the mould used.
  • Unalterable outdoors.

Instructions for use

  • Prepare the substrates with suitable meshes to reinforce the concrete.
  • Protect the areas that have to remain clean.
  • Pour the concrete and smooth with a trowel. Do not shake.
  • Spread PAVILAND IMPRESO on fresh concrete.
  • Smooth with a telescopic trowel so that the concrete absorbs the surface layer that will form PAVILAND IMPRESO.
  • Go over it again, sprinkling PRINTED PAVILAND to cover possible empty spots and go over again with the telescopic trowel.
  • After a reasonable amount of time (when the concrete has begun to harden), sprinkle the release agent (PAVILAND DESMOLDEANTE) to prevent the moulds from adhering.
  • The moulds are placed and pressed evenly so that the drawing is printed in a homogeneous way.
  • After 72 hours, the release agent is cleaned from the pavement by means of a pressurized water jet (it might take longer under low temperatures o high humidity in the environment).
  • The surface layer must be protected from drying too quickly, avoiding dehydration of the mortar, especially under high temperatures or heavy winds, hence, the use of protection and/or curing resins from the PAVILAND RESINA range is highly recommended.

Cautions and recommendations

  • Do not apply bellow 5ºC nor above 30ºC.
  • Do not apply the product with risk of frost, rain, strong winds or direct sun.
  • Use gloves to manipulate the products.
  • It is necessary to have membranes, plastic sheets or vapour barriers before pouring the concrete in order to have a waterproof element that isolates the pavement from moisture coming from the ground.


Laminated paper bags of 25Kg each. Storage up to 1 year in its original closed package, away from open air and humidity.

Technical data

(Statistical data obtained under standard conditions)

Aspect  COLOURED powder
Apparent density of powder 1,8 ± 0,2 g/cm3
Yield (*) 4-6 kg/m2
Flexural strength 28 days (UNE – EN  13892-2) >3 N/mm2
Compressive strength 28 days (UNE – EN 13892-2) >20 N/mm2
Böhme Wear strength 28 days  (UNE – EN 13892-3) A15
Abrasion (UNE-EN-12808-2)  < 600 mm3
Classification according to UNE EN 13813 CT C20 F3 15

(*) Performance can be increased depending on the tonality chosen and the colour of the concrete used, as well as the type of printed pattern. Check with our technical department for white colour

CE Mark

Avda. Agrupación Córdoba 17,


Nº: 500087

EN 13813

Powder product (CT-C20-F3-A9 type) that, when applied on
fresh concrete, forms a monolithic surface highly resistant to abrasion.


Reaction to fire  A1 Class
Emission of corrosive substances CT
Compressive Strength C20
Bending  Strength F3
Wearing  Strength A15
Hazardous substances Check Safety sheet

Environmental Product Declaration (EPD)

Mortar made with aggregates close to the production centres, reducing greenhouse gas emissions associated with its transport and made in production centres with Environmental Management systems certified in accordance with the ISO 14001 standard, a firm commitment to sustainability and respect for the environment. Mortar with type III ecological label (the most demanding) Environmental Product Declaration externally verified by AENOR.


The instructions for use are given according to our tests and knowledge and do not imply any commitment by GRUPO PUMA nor free the consumer from the examination and verification of the products for their correct use. Claims must be accompanied by the original packaging to allow a proper traceability.

GRUPO PUMA is not responsible, in any case, for the application of its products or constructive solutions carried out by the application company or other parties involved in the process and / or execution of the work, limiting the responsibility of GRUPO PUMA exclusively to the damages directly attributable to the supplied products, individually or integrated in systems, due to failures in their manufacturing process.

In any case, the drafter of the work project, the technical management or the person responsible for the work, or collaterally the application company or other parties involved in the process and / or execution of the work, must ensure the suitability of the products addressing the characteristics of them, as well as the conditions, support and possible pathologies of the work in question.

The values obtained by GRUPO PUMAS's products or its constructive solutions that, as the case may be, are determined by the EN standards or any other regulation that applies to it in each case refers exclusively to the conditions specifically stipulated in said regulation and that are referred to, among others, to certain characteristics of the support, humidity and temperature conditions, etc. without being them required in the tests obtained under different conditions, all in accordance with the relevant regulation.


Colors in stock

Negro 200
Marengo 326
Acero 315
Gris 300
Blanco 100
Verde Oliva 361
Verde Oscuro 062
Perla 302
Amarillo 015
Albero 175
Ocre 150
Madera 400
Gamuza 425
Terrano 118
Marrón 117
Salmón 500
Rojo 611
Teja 900
Rubí 254
Terracota 163
Marfil 222
Beige 172
Tabaco 120
Café 116