Pumaflex PU Hybrid

Weatherproof water based polyurethane membrane.
Coating for horizontal substrates based on acrylic polymers and aliphatic polyurethane. It forms a continuous and elastic high-performance coat capable of preventing water infiltration and the resulting moisture-related issues.
Especially suitable for preventing water infiltration on terraces, rooftops, roofs, partition walls, expansion joints, channels, downspouts, etc. It can be applied to any exterior surface that is occasionally walkable, provided it is not subjected to daily or intensive traffic.

Download technical data sheet

Additional information

Features and applications

  • Rainproof.
  • Good tensile strength and high elasticity.
  • Greater mechanical strength with the use of fibreglass mesh.
  • Good homogenisation of the product and easy to apply.
  • Notable resistance to abrasion.
  • Good crack filling capability and resistance to microcracking
  • Due to its UV radiation crosslinking, it has excellent dirt resistance.
  • Very low residual tackiness of the dry film.
  • Resistant to open air and ultraviolet rays.
  • High Solar Reflectance Index (SRI) in its white version, reducing heat absorption.
  • It can be applied using a brush, roller, airless spray gun or pistole. Make sure the product has been previously mixed and correctly diluted.
  • Tools must be cleaned with abundant water before the paint dries.

Not suitable for permanent water contact, water storage, ponding, or significant condensation.
Examples: swimming pools, tanks, ponds, cisterns, planters, etc.



  • Concrete, cement, plaster, brick, stone, fibre cement, etc., must be cured, dry, firm, and free of dirt or grease.
  • Treat efflorescence or salt deposits with diluted DESMOR, rinse, and allow to dry.
  • Surfaces must be free of moss and microorganisms and should be dry or only slightly damp.
  • In the case of cracks, holes, or flaking, repair them before applying the product.
  • Apply the paint according to the instructions given.


  • Treat efflorescence or salt deposits with diluted DESMOR, rinse, and allow to dry.
  • Remove any mould contamination using bleach or any other suitable product as well as any remaining paint or other construction materials.
  • On deteriorated substrates, those with poor cohesion, or moisture issues, apply FIJAMOR beforehand.
  • In the case of cracks, holes, or flaking, repair them before applying the product.
  • Remove sharp or cutting elements, such as damaged tiles, which could mechanically damage the membrane and replace any defective pieces.
  • The old coating should be brushed to remove loose particles, then cleaned and degreased.
  • Apply PUMAFLEX PU HYBRID according to the instructions given.

Instructions for use

  • Shake until perfect homogenisation.
  • Dilute the primer coat by a 15% with water and spread it. Ensure thorough wetting of the entire surface, especially around the perimeter and in cracked areas.
  • Apply the second and subsequent coats undiluted, in the opposite direction of the previous one. A minimum of two coats must be applied, ensuring that the previous one is completely dry before proceeding.
  • On frequently walked surfaces, a fibreglass or polyester fabric reinforcement should be placed over the first undiluted coat. – The successive sections of this reinforcement must overlap by 10 cm, ensuring that the topcoat aligns with the slope direction of the floor. The reinforcement must be stretched without wrinkles and then covered with additional coats of the waterproofing product.
  • It can be applied by brush, roll or pistole, previously shaking and diluting the product, respectively.
  • Tools must be cleaned with abundant water before the paint dries.

Cautions and recommendations

  • If sealants or asphalts are present in the expansion joints, it is recommended to properly "bridge" them with an elastic polyester reinforcement.
  • Whenever necessary, correct the slopes to prevent water ponding.
  • At junctions with vertical surfaces, reinforcement with fibreglass or another suitable material is required, applying the product up to a height of 15 cm.
  • Do not apply under 5ºC.
  • Do not apply the product with relative humidity above the 85% nor on wet substrates.
  • Do not apply under the risk of rains.
  • Keep in fresh and dry places.


4 and 15 litres containers.


Technical data

Aspect of dry film According to Standard Value
Colour - Blanco (White)
Finish UNE - EN 1062-1 Semi-gloss matte
Shine 85º UNE-EN ISO 2813 6.2
Chromatic coordinate L* UNE 48073 92.24
Chromatic coordinate C* UNE 48073 2.28
Chromatic coordinate H* UNE 48073 92.24
Berger Whiteness UNE 48073 75.71
Opacity UNE-EN 13300 <95%
Residual Tac (g/ CM 2) - Initial= 0.
After 4hr.U.V.=0


Physical properties

According to standard



UNE-EN ISO 2811-1

1.30 kg/L






100 dPas (50 rpm; Spindle R6)

Dispersion fineness


20 Microns


Refer to its formulation

According to standard


Non-volatile matter content



Maximum content in COV allowed

2004/42/II A classification

40 g/L

Maximum content in COV of the product

2004/42/II A classification

40 g/L


Properties of application

According to standard


Theoretical performance

UNE 48282

1-1.5 m2/l

Drying time to touch

UNE 48301

2 - 3 hours

Total drying time

UNE 48301

< 24 hours




1St hand dilution

As primer


2nd and successive hands dilution


Without diluting

Repaint interval

Under average temperature

> 12 hours


Some other specific properties

According to standard


Wet rub resistance

UNE-EN ISO 11998

Type 1



> 350 %

Resistance to traction


2,5 N/nm2





Instructions given on how to use the product are given based on our tests and knowledge and do not imply any commitment from GRUPO PUMA and do not exempt the user from checking and verifying the products before using them. Claims must be presented with the original packaging to allow an adequate traceability.

GRUPO PUMA is not responsible, under any circumstances, for the application of its products or constructive solutions by the applicator company or other subjects involved in the application and / or execution of the work in question, limiting the responsibility of GRUPO PUMA exclusively to possible damages attributable directly and exclusively to the products supplied,  individual or integrated into systems, due to failures in their manufacture.

In any case, the creator of the work project, the technical management or person in charge, or subsidiarity the application company or other possible people involved in the application and / or execution of the work in question, must ensure the suitability of the products. Taking always into account the substrates and any possible pathologies that may occur in the workplace itself.

The values of the products or constructive solutions from GRUPO PUMA that are determined in the UNE standard, or any other applicable standard refer exclusively to the conditions expressly stipulated in that regulation.