Paviland® Primer EP

A two-component primer based on very low-viscosity epoxy resins, for application on low-porous concrete. It adheres well to PAVILAND EP systems. It is very easy to apply. Among other applications, its use consolidates concrete or mortar floors.


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Additional information


Two component epoxy resin.

Features and applications

  • It adheres well to PAVILAND EP systems.
  • Easy to apply.
  • It consolidates concrete or mortar floors. 


  • Concrete with adequate strength and slight roughness.  In the case that the substrate has a humidity content of more than 4%, apply PAVILAND PRIMER EP WET primer.
  • Substrates must be resistant enough, stable, sound and clean. Free of dust, release agents, organic products, etc.
  • Before applying any product make sure all holes and / or cracks are previously repaired on the substrate by using products from our PAVILAND or MORCEMREST range.
  • It is also advisable to carry out a milling or sanding process of the substrate with the main objective of opening the porous and removing any possible adhered materials such as greases, paints, etc.

Instructions for use

  • Homogenize components A and B separately.
  • Add the hardener (component B) to the epoxy resin (component A) and stir with a spiral rod until a homogeneous product is obtained. 
  • Apply with a brush, roller, or airless.
  • The selected epoxy coating must be applied before the polymerization of the primer. 
  • If it is not possible to install the floor in the hours following the application of the primer, a sprinkling with aggregate should be done on it while still fresh to ensure proper adhesion.

Cautions and recommendations

  • Do not apply the product under 10º due to the potential resin crystallization.
  • Do not apply it above 30ºC.
  • Do not apply under the risk of frost, rain, heavy wind or direct sun light.
  • Use gloves and protective goggles when manipulating the product. In case of direct skin or clothes contact, clean the area with abundant water and soap.
  • Keep away from children.
  • In case of wet substrates, apply PAVILAND PRIMER EP WET.
  • Any equipment and tools will be cleaned with DISOLVENTE EP PUMA solvent immediately after being used. Once the product gets hard, it will only be removed by mechanical means.
  • Do not eat or smoke when manipulating the product.
  • Empty containers should be removed or thrown according to the current legislation.


10 kg (7.5+ 2.5) containers.
Store the product up to 1 year in its closed original package, in cool and dry places, away from direct sun light and under 10-30ºC temperature.

Technical data

(Statistic results obtained under standard conditions)

Aspect   A: transparent yellowish liquid- B: light yellow liquid
Approximate mixture density   1,14 kg/dm3
Relation of the mixture in weight (A: B)   3 : 1

Mixture duration    

Temperature Time
  +30ºC 20 min.
  +20ºC 30 min.
  +10ºC 50 min.
Adherence to concrete > 3.5 N/mm2 (breaks the concrete)
Viscosity of the mixture     10-15 poises (Sp4 at 50 r.p.m. at 21ºC)
Approximate performance 200-300 g/m2 and coat


Minimum waiting time before the next layer after applying the primer (*) 12h
Optimal waiting time before the next layer after applying the primer (*) 12h
Maximum waiting time before  the next layer after applying the primer (*) 24h

(*) Approximate timings according to environmental temperature, humidity and absorption of the substrate.

Environmental Product Declaration (EPD)

Cement based mortar prepared with aggregates that are supplied close to the production center, which reduces the greenhouse gas emissions that would otherwise arise from their transport. Manufactured in production centers with an Environmental management certified system following ISO 14001 regulation, offering a firm promise of sustainability and respect for the environment.
Cement based mortar with type III ecological label (the most strict) Environmental Product Declaration verified externally by AENOR.


The instructions for use are given according to our tests and knowledge and do not imply any commitment by GRUPO PUMA nor free the consumer from the examination and verification of the products for their correct use. Claims must be accompanied by the original packaging to allow a proper traceability.

GRUPO PUMA is not responsible, in any case, for the application of its products or constructive solutions carried out by the application company or other parties involved in the process and / or execution of the work, limiting the responsibility of GRUPO PUMA exclusively to the damages directly attributable to the supplied products, individually or integrated in systems, due to failures in their manufacturing process.

In any case, the drafter of the work project, the technical management or the person responsible for the work, or collaterally the application company or other parties involved in the process and / or execution of the work, must ensure the suitability of the products addressing the characteristics of them, as well as the conditions, support and possible pathologies of the work in question.

The values obtained by GRUPO PUMAS's products or its constructive solutions that, as the case may be, are determined by the EN standards or any other regulation that applies to it in each case refers exclusively to the conditions specifically stipulated in said regulation and that are referred to, among others, to certain characteristics of the support, humidity and temperature conditions, etc. without being them required in the tests obtained under different conditions, all in accordance with the relevant regulation.