Morcem Dry Fix

One-component, fibre-reinforced, fast-hardening and drying, waterproofing membrane, endowed with high flexibility and extended open time, for waterproofing and adhesion of tiles on traditional substrates.

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Product based on high resistance hydraulic binders, selected aggregates, synthetic resins and special fibres.

Features and applications

  • Waterproofing and adhesive mortar in just one single product,it allows the application of the grouting mortar in 8-12 hours (depending on environmental conditions).
  • Great capacity to bridge cracks.
  • Swimming pool waterproofing.
  • Waterproofing of bathrooms, showers, terraces, balconies, etc. and tiles adhesion in just one product. 
  • High performance adhesive,fast setting and high deformability (C2FE S2 category) for laying even large format ceramic and thin sheets.
  • Excellent adherence to all types of support: ceramic tile, concrete, cement mortar, screeds, stone and brick. 
  • MORCEMDRY FIX meets the minimum requirements for the CMO2P category of UNE EN 14891: 2012 "Waterproofing membranes to be used under ceramic tiles"
  • MORCEMDRY FIX meets the minimum requirements for the C2FES2 category of UNE EN 12004: 2008 + A1: 2012.


  • Direct application on cementitious substrates, concrete and old tiles.
  • The substrates must be perfectly cured and resistant, free of dust, dirt, loose materials, release agents, organic products and efflorescence.
  • The substrates must have a suitable flatness. 
  • A previous treatment by mechanical means, with hydro-pressure washing or sandblasting, may be carried out to remove all old coatings and ensure a healthy and clean surface to provide good adherence of the waterproofing layer.
  • When carrying out applications under high weather temperatures, absorbent substrates and porous surfaces will be pre-moistened until saturated , avoiding puddling or condensation.
  • Before applying the waterproofing layer, it is recommended to make half rods where the wall meets the slab, using products from the MORCEMREST range. Expansion joints and openings, lights and installations must be sealed with suitable products from the PUMALASTIC range.
  • Small honeycombs, cracks or irregularities in concrete can be repaired with suitable products from the MORCEMREST range.

Instructions for use

Mortar mixture:

  • Mix the product with the recommended water according to consistency (fluid consistency: 25%; thixotropic consistency: 20%, total mixing time of 3 Min, with an electric mixer at low revolutions (approx. 500 rpm.), until obtaining a homogeneous and lump-free paste. Let the mass rest for 5 minutes and mix again before the application.
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  • Preliminary application treating singular points with the BANDTEC band, in the different materials meetings, in construction joints (subjected to limited movements) and other critical areas (such as corners, drains, etc.)
  • It is recommended to treat all critical points such as the junction between wall-wall, wall-slab with BANDTEC band.
  • BANDTEC is a waterproofing self-adhesive band that can be applied directly on a clean surface, free of dust and below a 4% of humidity , otherwise, apply IMPLAREST EPW primer (see BANDTEC technical data sheet). Once BANTEC is placed, proceed with the application of MORCEMDRY FIX. Structural joints with high movement must be sealed with the ELASTIC MEMBRANE system and MORCEMREST EPOXI T.
  • For the application of MORCEMDRY FIX at critical points and other hard-to-reach areas (e.g. corners, half-rounds, drains, etc.) the product can be applied by brush or roller.

Fast waterproofing and tile bonding in 2  simple steps.

  • In cracked substrates or substrates subjected to service temperatures below -20ºC, it is recommended to reinforce the waterproofing layer by placing DRY POOL mesh between the two layers of product, avoiding pockets or folds in the reinforcement. The reinforcement joints will be made by overlapping with a minimum width of 5 cm.
  • Apply MORCEMDRY FIX with the help of a trowel adding  a suitable compacting pressure on the substrate and creating a homogeneous layer of the product on top of it, with a 2 mm minimum thickness in two layers. Apply a first layer in one direction and let it set for two hours (at 23ºC). Apply a second layer perpendicular to the first one), not giving more than 2 mm thickness in each of the layers (layers must be continuous and with an uniform thickness).
  • After 3 hours (23ºC) tiles can be glued on the second layer with MORCEMDRY FIX, for gluing the tiles with MORCEMDRY FIX make sure you are using the corresponding trowel according to the size of the tile.
  • The thickness of the product under the tiles must be a maximum of 3 mm (not taking into account the first two layers).
  • Spread the kneaded product on the substrate with a trowel to a maximum area of 2m². Place the pieces on the fresh adhesive, pressing and moving until the grooves are completely flattened and the entire surface of the ceramic is correctly adhered. Periodically check the tackiness of the adhesive by lifting a previously laid tile; if a non-transfer film appears on the surface of the adhesive or if the adhesive dehydrates, remove the material and apply a new product.

Waterproofing layer and fast gluing in one coat with a special trowel 

  • The application of MORCEMDRY FIX by means of a special trowel (skid trowel) provides us with a monolithic and continuous layer of at least 2 mm.
  • Once applied MORCEMDRY FIX, ceramic tiles should be placed immediately after, while still fresh, carefully adjusting and pressing the tiles.
  • Total thickness should be between 3 and 4 mm in a homogeneous and continuous layer.
  • Remove any possible excess of product from the junctions being careful not to remove the product from underneath.

Fast waterproofing layer, along with special adhesives

  • Apply MORCEMDRY FIX with the help of a trowel adding  a suitable compacting pressure on the substrate and creating a homogeneous layer of the product on top of it, with a 2 mm minimum thickness in two layers (Apply a first layer in one direction and let it set for two hours (at 23ºC). Apply a second layer, perpendicular to the first one, not over 2 mm thickness in each of the layers (layers must be continuous and with uniform thickness).
  • Three hours after (23ºC) tiles can be placed on top of the second layer with the chosen adhesive.
  • The appropriate adhesives will be C2 S1 type (see adhesive technical data sheet), choose the adhesive according to the tile to be laid and the area.
  • Respect the construction joints (expansion, contraction, fractionation, perimeter corner joints) and installation joints between tiles (minimum of 2 mm indoors and 5 mm outdoors).
  • MORCEMDRY FIX might take longer to cure when laying large format tiles.
  • Tools and equipment should be cleaned with water immediately after use being used. Once the product has been completely setted, it can only be removed by mechanical means.

NOTE: The shorter the time between combing and laying the tile, the better results will be obtained.

Cautions and recommendations

  • Do not apply the product under extreme weather conditions.
  • Do not apply under risk of frost, rain, strong winds or direct sun, protect from rain for 12-24 hours after application.
  • Hardening may slow down in the presence of high humidity, such as in poorly ventilated rooms or basements.
  • If the operating temperature is expected to be -5 ° C or lower, it is recommended to reinforce
  • MORCEMDRY FIX with an alkali resistant fibre-glass mesh.
  • The product is not passable 
  • On ceramic floors (overlays), remove the badly adhered pieces and fill in the gaps with mortar the day before applying the product. Make sure that the old ceramics are free of grease or wax residues, if necessary proceed with the milling of the glazed surface until the old ceramics lose their shine. Check with the Technical Department in case of doubt and carry out the corresponding previous test to stablish the suitability of the given solution.
  • On pavements and wall tiles with a surface greater than 50 m2 indoors and 30 m2 outdoors, or on elongated surfaces of more than 15 linear meters, it is recommended to leave partition or fractionation joints filled with a deformable material from the PUMALASTIC range. It is recommended to leave a free perimeter expansion joint between the flooring and the wall or pillar, hidden by the skirting board, of 8 mm approximately . These joints must be filled with a deformable material from the PUMALASTIC range and combined it with BANDTEC if used outdoors , (see BANDTEC technical data sheet)
  • Do not add any cement, sand or any other substances that may affect the features of the material.
  • The leak test can be carried out after 4 hours.
  • Please check with the Technical Department in case of any other application that may not be shown on the Technical Data sheet.
  • For any further information regarding  safety, transportation, storing and use of the product, please check the updated version of the Safety sheet of the product.


MORCEMDRY FIX is provided in 20 Kg powder bags.
9 months storage in its closed original packaging, indoors and away from humidity.

Technical data

Statistical results obtained under standard conditions of temperature + 23ºC and 50% relative humidity
At higher temperatures the times are reduced and dragged on at lower temperatures)

Aspect GREY powder
Mixing water for watery consistence   25%
Mixing water for thixotropic consistence  20%
Density of the paste ~ 1,50 kg/l
Granulometry 350 µ
Life time of the mixture > 45 min
Yield 1,5 kg/m2 and mm of thickness
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Performance according to UNE-EN12004: 2008+A1:2012

Adjustability time Aprox. 30 min. (According to environmental conditions)
Initial adhesion (at 6 hours)  ≥ 0,5 N/mm2
Initial adhesion  ≥ 1 N/mm2
Adhesion after immersion in water  ≥ 1 N/mm2
Adhesion after heat ageing  ≥ 1 N/mm2
Adhesion after freeze / thaw cycles  ≥ 1 N/mm2
Classification according to UNE EN 12004:2008+A1:2012 C2FE
Classification according to UNE EN 12004:2008+A1:2012 S2


EN 14891 standard: Cementitious Membranes    Classification:  CM02P
Test Specification Values
Impermeability to water under pressure positive and negative No penetration 9 atm
Crack-bridging capacity at + 23ºC according to EN: 14891 – A.8.2 (mm) >0,75 >1,4
Crack-bridging capacity at -5ºC according to EN: 14891 – A.8.2 (mm) >0,75 >1,0
Crack-bridging capacity at - 20ºC according to EN: 14891 – A.8.2 (mm) >0,75 >0,8*
Initial adhesion according to EN: 14891 – A 6.2. (N/mm2) >0,5 >0,5
Adhesion after immersion in water according to EN: 14891 – A 6.3. (N/mm2) >0,5 >0,5
Adhesion after heat action according to EN: 14891 – A 6.5. (N/mm2) >0,5 >0,5
Adhesion after F / T cycles according to EN: 14891 – A6.6(N/mm2) >0,5 >0,5
Adhesion after immersion in water according to EN:14891 – A 6.9. (N/mm2) >0,5 >0,5
Adhesion durability in chlorinated water >0,5 >0,5
Note: For use as a waterproofing membrane according to EN:14891 , it can be mixed with 25-30% water, as required.

* With DRYPOOL reinforcement mesh

CE Mark

Avda. Agrupación Córdoba 17, 14014 Córdoba
Nº: 230048

UNE EN-14891
One-component, fast-drying, fibre-reinforced waterproofing membrane. Dust-free, endowed with high flexibility.

Initial bond strength in traction  ≥0.5 N/mm2
Tightness No penetration
Resistance against cracks   ≥ 0.75 mm
Durability of initial adhesion in traction against the weather conditions / thermal ageing ≥0.5 N/mm2
Durability of initial adhesion in traction against the action of water / humidity  ≥0.5 N/mm2
Durability of initial adhesion in traction against lime water  ≥0.5 N/mm2
Durability of initial adhesion in traction against frost and freeze / thaw cycles  ≥0.5 N/mm2


Avd. Agrupación Córdoba, Núm.17 14014 (Córdoba)

Nº: 230048
Dust-free, fast hardening and drying cementitious adhesive, endowed with high flexibility and extended open time, for the  adhesion of tiles indoors and outdoors, on traditional substrates.
Fire reaction Class E
Early tensile adhesion:                                                        ≥0.5 N/mm2
Initial tensile adhesion: ≥1 N/mm2
Tensile adhesion after immersion in water: ≥1 N/mm2
Tensile adhesion after thermal ageing: ≥1 N/mm2
Tensile adhesion after melt/freeze cycles: ≥1 N/mm2
Dangerous substances: See Safety Data Sheet


The instructions for use are given according to our tests and knowledge and do not imply any commitment by GRUPO PUMA nor free the consumer from the examination and verification of the products for their correct use. Claims must be accompanied by the original packaging to allow a proper traceability.

GRUPO PUMA is not responsible, in any case, for the application of its products or constructive solutions carried out by the application company or other parties involved in the process and / or execution of the work, limiting the responsibility of GRUPO PUMA exclusively to the damages directly attributable to the supplied products, individually or integrated in systems, due to failures in their manufacturing process.

In any case, the drafter of the work project, the technical management or the person responsible for the work, or collaterally the application company or other parties involved in the process and / or execution of the work, must ensure the suitability of the products addressing the characteristics of them, as well as the conditions, support and possible pathologies of the work in question.

The values obtained by GRUPO PUMAS's products or its constructive solutions that, as the case may be, are determined by the EN standards or any other regulation that applies to it in each case refers exclusively to the conditions specifically stipulated in said regulation and that are referred to, among others, to certain characteristics of the support, humidity and temperature conditions, etc. without being them required in the tests obtained under different conditions, all in accordance with the relevant regulation.