Interior use

Morcemsec® Proyectable Interior GP CSIII W0

Dry mortar with special additives with the necessary fluidity and time to be applied with a mortar projection pump.

See data sheet

Morcemsec® Multiusos GP CSIV W0

Dry mortar for plastering and masonry jobs in general.

See data sheet

Exterior use

Morcemsec® Capa Gruesa CR CSIV W2

Dry mortar for façade, indoor jobs, patios, etc finishes. Rainwater-proof and permeable to water vapour. For plastering and masonry jobs in general.

See data sheet

Morcemsec® Capa Fina CR CSIV W2

Dry mortar for façade, indoor jobs, patios, etc finishes, rainwater-proof and permeable to water vapour, for plastering and masonry jobs in general.

See data sheet

Morcemsec® Proyectable Exterior GP CSIII W2

Dry mortar with special additives, rainwater-proof and permeable to water vapour with the necessary fluidity and time to be applied with a mortar projection pump.

See data sheet

Morcemsec® Enlucido con Cal CR CSIII W2

Cladding mortar based on aerial lime. Suitable for plastering in thick layers, on ceramic brick, concrete block or any other similar substrates. Impervious to rainwater and highly permeable to water vapour.

See data sheet

Morcemsec® Enlucido Fino con Cal GP CSIII W2

Cladding mortar based on aerial lime. Suitable for being plastered in a thin layer on top of rough-coating cement mortars. Impervious to rainwater and highly permeable to water vapour.

See data sheet

Morcem® Renovex F

Mineral mortar for the regularization, levelling and smoothing of surfaces with a thin finish, suitable for absorbent and non-absorbent supports, for  white interior and exterior areas.

See data sheet