A mortar batched and mixed in a factory. It may be “dry”, which is ready mixed only requiring the addition of water, or “wet”, which is supplied ready to use.
Fibre Glass Mesh
Used to avoid Mortar cracking and to improve its shock resistance.
Ground limestone or other inert material, generally having at least the fineness of Portland Cement, and used to supplement the void filling ability of lean mixes. (GA)
Final coat
The final coat of a multicoat rendering or plastering system. (EN 998-1).
Finishing mortar for ETICS
A mortar consisting of mineral, organic and/or inorganic materials forming the final coat of a system.
Flexural strength
Failure stress of a mortar determined by exerting a force in flexure on three points. (EN 1015-11 – Masonry mortars). (EN 13888 – Grouts for tiles).
Floats and Plastic Trowel
Flowing screed
Screed made with self-levelling properties of a flooring mortar. (EN 13318).
Fly Ash
A very fine ash collected by the exhaust filters of boilers or furnaces, usually in the power generation industry. Such ashes have pozzolanic properties. (GA)
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